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How To Avoid Music Copyright Strikes on YouTube

How To Avoid Music Copyright Strikes on YouTube

Learn how to avoid music copyright strikes on YouTube videos. First let''s talk about how songs are flagged for copyright infringement. YouTube has what they affectionately like to refer to as a the content ID system. The system looks for music that is added to the YouTube database by content owners. Once it thinks it has a match you receive a content ID claim. Once that happens you have to dispute the claim or receive a copyright strike. So now I''m gonna share with you the five ways to avoid a copyright strike 1. Make your own music - You can copyright your own music with the us copyright office for about $30 - Include a link to your copyright page in the video description 2. Use Creative Commons music - When a musician releases a song under a Creative Commons license you have the legal right to use their music in your videos - Include the link to the creative commons license in the video description 3. Use Royalty Free music - Include a link to the end user license agreement in the video description 4. Use YouTube music 5. Join a Multi-Channel Network

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